A Letter To Myself…

Calvin Eberts
3 min readDec 7, 2020


Dear Calvin,

I wish I knew what I knew now when I was 10 years old. On second thought, maybe not. The innocence of our adolescent years are often taken for granted for. So I’d start off by telling you to stop rushing! There’s plenty to do and see throughout your life. Take it one step at a time and slow down there. Take time to smell the flowers.

I know in a few years you will get your first ever phone! (shhh don’t tell mom I told you.) I know it seems exciting, but this device holds a lot of power. And as we all know… with great power comes great responsibility. Especially with the way that the world of technology has evolved. Now, at the tips of our fingers we have a portable computer that works almost anywhere in the world, and can not only call and text but can access information, play games, and use the multiple platforms of social media that we are all so obsessed with.

Picture From https://www.itandcoffee.com.au/blog/should-you-trade-in-your-old-2g-mobile-phone-for-a-smartphone

Not only do we have Facebook and Myspace, but we now have Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Parler, and a slue of new platforms popping up each and every day for peoples enjoyment. Social media was invented for people to be able to connect from all over the world; with friends, family, and other people with common interests.

With all of the good, comes some bad as well. Social media has been a use for a means of bullying since. Cyberbullying has been the most common type of bullying since the existence of social media. This is because people can now hide behind the comfort of their screens and can even do so anonymously. Cyberbullying has even been the cause of many suicides world wide. My advice for you, is to approach social media with caution. Use it as a means to catch up with friends, make plans, and post pictures of your family gatherings. Do not get twisted into the online world of bullying and rumours. It’s just as much about you hurting someone else as it is about you getting hurt yourself. The internet can be a very dangerous place if you let it.

Picture from: https://www.mentalup.co/blog/what-is-cyber-bullying-types-examples-scales

One other danger of social media is the way that it effects our mental health. Social media will always be bombarded with super natural humans and only the most exciting fun things that you weren’t able to do or be a part of. One tip of advice I have is to learn to take periodic breaks and to take care of your mental health. I know it is a lot easier said than done. So here are a few tips for that!

  1. Every-night before bed put down your phone one hour before you want to fall asleep. It will not only help you wind down but it will also keep your mind from racing.
  2. Road trips and airplane mode! One thing that relax’s me the most is putting my phone on airplane mode, blasting the music I love, and going on ride. Short or long. Especially on those cold dark winter nights.
  3. Think before you engage with anything or anyone on social media. Is that the right comment to make? The right wording to use? and etc.

Social media can be a wonderful thing. It can also be a very dangerous thing. It can bring us together and tear us apart all at the same time. I know you’ll be fine and you’ll make the right decisions (most of the time.) Be strong, be kind, and love with all your heart. Cheers little man!

Picture from: https://marketingland.com/library/channel/social-media-marketing



Calvin Eberts
Calvin Eberts

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