24 Hours of My Life

I have to start off by saying that I have a love/hate relationship with politics. Although it sparks passion and conversation from me, it also creates drunken arguments and can even create a sort-of burning rage (only on the inside.) Some find it quite surprising that CNN was my choice for an opposite opinion news outlet to watch; especially since I was an adopted child to two wonderful lesbian parents and an older sister. Although my views do not vary very far from what I like to believe is quite centre, the harder the left pushes the more I find myself leaning the other way. I listen to a lot more podcasts and radio shows than I watch news but I do know that CNN is quite opposite in its view point from mine. People believe that this must mean I am anti human right and anti social justice. This could be the furthest from true, but let me explain. I personally find, that the CNN news source as a whole, tends to say whatever they believe is going to “rally up the troops,” rather than presenting journalism the way it was meant to be portrayed and allowing the content to be deciphered by the audience. Show hosts such as Chris Cuomo have been caught numerous times telling lies and being extremely hypocritical. Most recently with his recent diagnosis of Covid-19, while he was wandering the street with no mask, yet yelling at others for doing the same thing. Now. I know you’re thinking: “Well FOX anchors do this too,” and “All political news is swayed to their audience,” and etc. I believe this is true to some degree 100%. The recent promotion of violence and even just the acceptance of violence and rioting by this news outlet has completely turned me off. As a human being I believe in rights for all humans but I also believe in law and order. Right vs Wrong. My political view is not the point of this blog post though. The way I felt after watching CNN for 24 hours was horrible. I completely understand how it would feel Vise Versa as well. It makes you feel uncomfortable, it makes you feel personally attacked, and it makes you feel like either you are all alone, or everyone else is crazy. I believe that this news source had a negative impact on my mood and would also do the same for its regular viewers. All bad news, all the time. Giving you only reasons to be upset, and not reasons to be happy about the amazing places we live, have grown up, and have learned to be part of this beautiful democratic society. I am all for free speech and open dialogue conversations; but I have found that almost all news media sources are breeding ground for one way thinking, and it starts to get quite depressing. That being said, this blog posts comes with absolutely zero disrespect. I thoroughly enjoy open conversation and am never afraid to admit when I have changed my mind or I am wrong, as long as the other person can do the same. I strongly support open dialogue between disagreeing parties and believe it could be the answer to all that is wrong with our “one-winged” media sources. In all honesty, a day of CNN had me feeling depressed, angry, and lonely all at the same time. I don’t believe this is how people should be feeling when trying to learn and become informed even if it is from an opposing opinion media form. My vision is a world where discussion is had, change is made, and even when we disagree, a middle ground can be found. ❤